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In Mathew 25, we read of 10 virgins. Jesus used this parable to reveal how it will be just before His calling home His Bride the Church. There are many other interpretations of this parable, so let’s take a moment to look at and apply some basic symbolism. These 10 represent Christendom as it will be right before The RAPTURE(1Thess4:13-18). Each virgin represents a church body individually. As a  group they represent those who claim to be of The Kingdom of Heaven. Each has a lamp. The Lamp is a symbolic of the WORD/Bible(Psalm119:105). The Bridegroom is of course Jesus. Vs 25:2-4, describes half of the virgins to be WISE, and half to be FOOLISH. 5 had OIL for their lamps 5 had none. Oil throughout scripture is symbolic of the the HOLY SPIRIT. Vs 5-8 sees the GROOM returning at midnight only to find all 10 asleep. In a panic those without oil ask to have some from the ones who had it/Him. Only to be turned out to those who “sell” to buy from. Being found absent when the GROOM came... 
Ok let’s unpack what we have so far. First the church/the bride/the virgins, are NOT the Kingdom. But the kingdom is made up of those in HIS church who possess and filled with His Spirit. Yet all that fancy themselves “in the church” are not acceptable to the King/Bridegroom. As having Lamps without the OIL/HOLY SPIRIT when He returns will be rebuked with Jesus saying, vs.11-12 “I know you NOT”. Hence having/knowing what the WORD/BIBLE says without the REGENERATION of the Holy Spirit/OIL will be fruitless in that day. Note in vs 5 Jesus finds all 10 virgins SLEEPING. Even those WITH Oil/ The Spirit, had grown lax in their waiting. Having heard of His returning from parents, grandparents, preachers and pastors their whole life. They became apathetic. Lest they had been eagerly awaiting their LORDS return and making sure all around them knew of it.Bidding those to fill their Lamps, calling them to repentance and SALVATION. For the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at hand. Let us learn from this story to be prepared for our coming KING. Let us share this Good news as born again OIL/HOLY SPIRIT filled vessels. So the KING not turn away those He intended us to reach. This is what being WOKE/AWAKE means to Christians. DOTG  @dhbclv
In Mathew 25, we read of 10 virgins. Jesus used this parable to reveal how it will be just before His calling home His Bride the Church. There are many other interpretations of this parable, so let’s take a moment to look at and apply some basic symbolism. These 10 represent Christendom as it will be right before The RAPTURE(1Thess4:13-18). Each virgin represents a church body individually. As a group they represent those who claim to be of The Kingdom of Heaven. Each has a lamp. The Lamp is a symbolic of the WORD/Bible(Psalm119:105). The Bridegroom is of course Jesus. Vs 25:2-4, describes half of the virgins to be WISE, and half to be FOOLISH. 5 had OIL for their lamps 5 had none. Oil throughout scripture is symbolic of the the HOLY SPIRIT. Vs 5-8 sees the GROOM returning at midnight only to find all 10 asleep. In a panic those without oil ask to have some from the ones who had it/Him. Only to be turned out to those who “sell” to buy from. Being found absent when the GROOM came...
Ok let’s unpack what we have so far. First the church/the bride/the virgins, are NOT the Kingdom. But the kingdom is made up of those in HIS church who possess and filled with His Spirit. Yet all that fancy themselves “in the church” are not acceptable to the King/Bridegroom. As having Lamps without the OIL/HOLY SPIRIT when He returns will be rebuked with Jesus saying, vs.11-12 “I know you NOT”. Hence having/knowing what the WORD/BIBLE says without the REGENERATION of the Holy Spirit/OIL will be fruitless in that day. Note in vs 5 Jesus finds all 10 virgins SLEEPING. Even those WITH Oil/ The Spirit, had grown lax in their waiting. Having heard of His returning from parents, grandparents, preachers and pastors their whole life. They became apathetic. Lest they had been eagerly awaiting their LORDS return and making sure all around them knew of it.Bidding those to fill their Lamps, calling them to repentance and SALVATION. For the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at hand. Let us learn from this story to be prepared for our coming KING. Let us share this Good news as born again OIL/HOLY SPIRIT filled vessels. So the KING not turn away those He intended us to reach. This is what being WOKE/AWAKE means to Christians. DOTG @dhbclv
#dailydevotional #christiandevotional #biblestudy #christianstudy #christiancommunity #jesus #baptist #baptistchurch #newsong #worship #worshipmusic #homemademusicvideos #dotg #dhbclv
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