Ephesians 5:17
Be Ye not to unwise, but understanding what the will of The LORD is…
Ever since I was a kid I loved getting things in the mail. If a note came from my Sunday school teacher. Or a letter came from my grandmother I would pop at the thought of opening the envelope and read it’s message! I would devour every word. Because it was for me! I wanted to get everything stroke of the pen and nuance of diction into my heart and mind! Later in life I took the same approach with the Bible.
In proverbs 4:7 it reads, Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and in all your getting get understanding. When understanding the will of God we need go no further than the Bible. For it delineates Gods will perfectly. 1 Timothy 2:4 We see Gods will is expressed that He would have all men (mankind) to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
How is it mankind comes unto this knowledge of the truth?
Well we look no further than Paul’s testimony before that ol rascal king Agrippa in Acts 26. First giving account of his own conversion. Then explaining the Commission given in his “heavenly vision”(Acts 26:19-20). Stating succinctly and with profound simplicity. That all those in the areas listed (PLUS the Gentiles beyond) should REPENT and turn to God. The word TURN implies an opposite direction.
Noteworthy is that this original direction was away from God.
Paul via the Holy Ghost and Dr. Luke (the amanuensis of the book of Acts) further gives testimony/description and command if you will. Of what is to occurred next. Commanding them to “do WORKS meet (worthy/reflective of) for REPENTANCE.
Proverbs 11:30 is clear in this. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise. So beloved today in all your getting Get understanding and be wise! Share the good news of Jesus Christ! In Him, by Him, and for Him, WIN SOULS! DOTG @dhbclv