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Reflecting on leadership and its implications. We must consider how leadership takes initiative. Leaders MUST step out. They do not necessarily need to do the impossible or even the improbable. But theirs is often the deliriously lonesome task of stepping up and out on whatever principled choice their faith has brought them. And will ultimately and awesomely lead others. Yes terrifying, and PREGNANT with possibilities. One of my heros in scriptures is a woman named Abigail. Her story is found in 1 Sam 25:3-30:5. Her name means “the Fathers Daughters” I have one of those. Dutiful, wise, full of life and discernment. Abigail was married to a man whose name unfortunately described him too. His name was Nabal, meaning in short “dummy”. In Nabals lack of wisdom he has cheated a young king David,(before he occupied the throne)as David and his mighty men acted as protector for lands and cattle for Nabal. When time for payment came, Nabal foolishly welched on his agreement with David. David was a man of war. David was a leader in his own right. He mounted horse, gathered men, and drew sword, to take vengeance. But for ABIGAIL. In 1 Sa 25:18 we find Abigail making haste, ordering her servants to gather food, wine, and goods enough to appease this coming wrath. Instructing them to go, as she went to engage David on her own on the back of an ass. Seeing David, Abigail “lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face and bowed herself to the ground”(v23)literally prostrated herself before him and begged him not to do this thing he had prepared to do. You see David would not have stayed his vengeance on the foolish Nabal alone. Most likely every man, woman, child, free, and bond servant alike would have been destroyed. What Abigail did, she did for the good of all... David heard her wisdom, saw her prudence. Being wise himself held his peace and left room for God to move. As we meditate on REAL leadership today, let us ponder the heart and thoughts of Abigail. What must she have been thinking? Did her blood run cold as she mounted that animal, knowing she may just as likely meet her death first? Or was it the laughter of innocent children that vaulted her upon that beast? Or the ignorance of gleefully couples making plans for their newborn that kept her steadfast down that path to make petition, or find doom? Perhaps knowing, how unjust it would be for the reckless neglect of one man to result in so much pain, she held tight to the reins of her choice, and met David on behalf of all. Regardless, she took the initiative, her courage, and wisdom stands as an eternal monument of how godly leadership covers more heads than we can imagine. Let us pray for leadership such as Abigail. DOTG @dhbclv