I just wanted to say something here… everyday, billions of people exchange money for things: food, clothing, items, drugs, etc. They get paid with it , and then they pay with it. 6.6 trillion dollars are exchanged in a day on average. How much of that is used for good? And how much of that is used for corruption or selfish desires? On any dollar bill you’ll see the famous quote “In God We Trust.” That’s what this country was built on- you don’t believe so? Check your history again. The money our country is rooted on is inscribed with face blaring evidence. Yet look at us- this world. Look at the stupidity, the evil, the corruption… we haven’t been trusting God. No, we’ve traded Him for our fleshly desires. You wonder why the world is the way it is now? We let evil take root in exchange for comfort. What the world calls comfort and love is actually a prison and a lie. What happened to Trusting in God? Now look at us. Look at what our actions have brought- consequences. Terrible consequences. But of course most don’t see it that way because they’re blinded by the one who is the father of lies. You’re in a prison yet you won’t realize it til you want out and the door shuts. I hope and pray it won’t be too late for you…
Jesus, deliver us…
Alec_says_hi AmEn BrOtHa
• ReplyImadie sir this is a wendy's
• ReplyLando.is.supreme But i like the stuff i buy
• ReplyPizzaPineapple It’s true nowadays the world is literally falling apart and people are too selfish and blind to see it. Thanks for posting this
• ReplySuburbanShadow Amen!
• ReplyThe_Crusader_93 Amen to that
• ReplyRandom_Senpai Amen
• ReplyNoOneInParticular *repost*
• ReplyBlueLobster Wow!
• ReplyAmerican_Memer Dang!
• ReplyHiddeniguana574 Amen!!
• Reply