#takebacktherainbow #saveamerica #honorthefallen #GiveGodtheGlory if we don\u2019t want it to get worse then we need to stop this road of destruction the country is headed down
Drippyredd420 Fax
Blood_God 👉👈
weird_wontons Then stop complaining and do something about it
JGRichmond06 If only if we lived in a world where gamers were in control...
ThatMemerNamedBeck #reelecttrump
ThatMemerNamedBeck #trump2024
JoL2020 Ima from the UK and I still agree
Memegobrrrhehe Honestly I dont care
Dankosaurus Home of the rights lol.
zhogeo how many homophobics are there on this app lol
He_Hate_Me_Anyways Woah!
Miss_America Yep
weird_wontons Uh I don’t really give a crap
TheRealAmerican The commies and liberals and gays and trannies are taking over our beloved nation, I say we fight back!
Drippyredd420 Fax
• ReplyBlood_God 👉👈
• Replyweird_wontons Then stop complaining and do something about it
• ReplyJGRichmond06 If only if we lived in a world where gamers were in control...
• ReplyThatMemerNamedBeck #reelecttrump
• ReplyThatMemerNamedBeck #trump2024
• ReplyJoL2020 Ima from the UK and I still agree
• ReplyMemegobrrrhehe Honestly I dont care
• ReplyDankosaurus Home of the rights lol.
• Replyzhogeo how many homophobics are there on this app lol
• ReplyHe_Hate_Me_Anyways
• ReplyHe_Hate_Me_Anyways Woah!
• ReplyMiss_America Yep
• Replyweird_wontons Uh I don’t really give a crap
• ReplyTheRealAmerican The commies and liberals and gays and trannies are taking over our beloved nation, I say we fight back!
• Reply