most likely broken oh i broke 2 fingers and my parents never noticed. two questions
kelp_paddy Tape the hell outta it b4 practice
ewwwyour_mom I did this to my thumb and ever time it gets hit it starts to swell and the same goes for my index finger but they did not break so maybe it’s a sprain our scenarios may be different but I’m just giving info about my experiences
Foxtrotrgt09 My brother did the same thing and had to have it taped for about a month
Foxtrotrgt09 It’s probably sprained oh i broke 2 fingers and my parents never noticed. two questions
• Replykelp_paddy Tape the hell outta it b4 practice
• Replyewwwyour_mom I did this to my thumb and ever time it gets hit it starts to swell and the same goes for my index finger but they did not break so maybe it’s a sprain our scenarios may be different but I’m just giving info about my experiences
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 My brother did the same thing and had to have it taped for about a month
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 It’s probably sprained
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