i\u2019m back from the dead and i started watching naruto #funny #true #memes #dankmemes
IZZY_FOR_LIFE Then what are you supposed to flush??
mmm_nuggets The like button tell us something look closer
alfredolinguini Why the hell would i flush a baby?! 😂
Frappuccino05 The last line said “your ex”
Beckymcminionsrcool YOUR Ex
Amane_Yugi Yup you can’t flush your babies and your ex down the toilet..it happens all the time
damemer123456789 Why would I flush a baby
damemer123456789 Watch naruto
a.L *hopes*
anime_dumbass Naruto good watch it
MarMarMemes Poetry. No No not paper. But poetry.
Huffle_bottoms Anyone see a night stand
Itz_vinGab Your ex
imaperson.. hopes and dreams 🤣
chh2006 Don’t watch naruto
IZZY_FOR_LIFE Then what are you supposed to flush??
• Replymmm_nuggets The like button tell us something look closer
alfredolinguini Why the hell would i flush a baby?! 😂
• ReplyFrappuccino05 The last line said “your ex”
• ReplyBeckymcminionsrcool YOUR Ex
• ReplyAmane_Yugi Yup you can’t flush your babies and your ex down the toilet..it happens all the time
• Replydamemer123456789 Why would I flush a baby
• Replydamemer123456789 Watch naruto
• Replya.L *hopes*
• Replyanime_dumbass Naruto good watch it
• ReplyMarMarMemes Poetry. No No not paper. But poetry.
• ReplyHuffle_bottoms Anyone see a night stand
• ReplyItz_vinGab Your ex
• Replyimaperson.. hopes and dreams 🤣
• Replychh2006 Don’t watch naruto
• Reply