Yeah this is big brain time #memeanation #lol #memes #oof #bruh #bruhmoment #relateable #oofergang #showerthoughts #gaming #highiqmemes #fax #bigbrain #starwars #lmao #smort #smart
gastro_gastro These people need to go to school
brad_lolabit I’m ded
charlithegoat I’m dead laughing rn hahaha
mohdfawaz BAHAHAHAHAHAHA im ded
BillboBaggins21 the world has been around for over 14 billion years
CAtladde #doctorstone
bri_re.edits Bc they made the concept of years 2,020 years ago
Glarbsttentenford BC duh
im_a_cowboy Ahahah
Foxtrot_Actual Unmmm big stupid
spooky_itsyaboi968 Straight facts
CKyourBoi You Do know this post is gonna blow up right?
gastro_gastro These people need to go to school
• Replybrad_lolabit I’m ded
• Replycharlithegoat I’m dead laughing rn hahaha
• Replymohdfawaz BAHAHAHAHAHAHA im ded
• ReplyBillboBaggins21 the world has been around for over 14 billion years
• ReplyCAtladde #doctorstone
• Replybri_re.edits Bc they made the concept of years 2,020 years ago
• ReplyGlarbsttentenford BC duh
• Replyim_a_cowboy Ahahah
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual Unmmm big stupid
• Replyspooky_itsyaboi968 Straight facts
• ReplyCKyourBoi You Do know this post is gonna blow up right?