Papacracker. Darnit just 2 years late
Troll_Heaven It’s sad to see a troll buddy go.
flattened_burgers You literally a whole icon to this medie
skinny_maggot oh nose
Melody. No pls no whyy
payce25 Good bye old friend I had good times laughing and then I came back to the app for the final time
gta_online_memes Nooo
unicornmyeva What .-.
1234567891013 So many people are leaving and its so sad to watch them go
llama123456789 Where are we going
Mr_Warlock Ohno
Ooyy Your stay has made its mark on history.
THE_RUSSIAN_SPY Goodbye comrade my you love in history
Foxtrotrgt09 Noooooooooo
sk00bii Im considering something similar as well
Papacracker. Darnit just 2 years late
• ReplyTroll_Heaven It’s sad to see a troll buddy go.
• Replyflattened_burgers You literally a whole icon to this medie
• Replyskinny_maggot oh nose
• ReplyMelody. No pls no whyy
• Replypayce25 Good bye old friend I had good times laughing and then I came back to the app for the final time
• Replygta_online_memes Nooo
• Replyunicornmyeva What .-.
• Reply1234567891013 So many people are leaving and its so sad to watch them go
• Replyllama123456789 Where are we going
• ReplyMr_Warlock Ohno
• ReplyOoyy Your stay has made its mark on history.
• ReplyTHE_RUSSIAN_SPY Goodbye comrade my you love in history
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 Noooooooooo
• Replysk00bii Im considering something similar as well
• Reply