There are no accidents- master oogway
FreakingSPOOKY oh so we're being sexist now
dhrutube I've been here, the female bathroom is on the other side so that they don't have to smell food cooking in the toilet
Lexalator Maybe I’ll just go to Burger King across the street 😳
Hornijailpolice Guess what my father is the oen that cooks everyday
Cheeto_diabeeto Girls get butchered or men get ambushed by butchers while taking a tinkle?
Comrade_cornchip Bruhhhh
Unsaid_Emily1 Fine!!! I’ll just take a crap in the sink then!!! Happy now?!?!
JOE17373 And Trans can cut themselves and half and just try to walk the through both
Maddie_121 Guess I’m a kitchen today 😩
Hiddeniguana574 Lmfaooooo
Joy_Nelly Well we say mankind for all people and my mom says that guys are very good chefs. So girls go to the right and guys to the left 😎
Foxtrotrgt09 ...
dallasray Looks like I’m a man today 😤
FreakingSPOOKY oh so we're being sexist now
• Replydhrutube I've been here, the female bathroom is on the other side so that they don't have to smell food cooking in the toilet
• ReplyLexalator Maybe I’ll just go to Burger King across the street 😳
• ReplyHornijailpolice Guess what my father is the oen that cooks everyday
• ReplyCheeto_diabeeto Girls get butchered or men get ambushed by butchers while taking a tinkle?
• ReplyComrade_cornchip Bruhhhh
• ReplyUnsaid_Emily1 Fine!!! I’ll just take a crap in the sink then!!! Happy now?!?!
• ReplyJOE17373 And Trans can cut themselves and half and just try to walk the through both
• ReplyMaddie_121 Guess I’m a kitchen today 😩
• ReplyHiddeniguana574 Lmfaooooo
• ReplyJoy_Nelly Well we say mankind for all people and my mom says that guys are very good chefs. So girls go to the right and guys to the left 😎
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 ...
• Replydallasray Looks like I’m a man today 😤
• Reply