gvbzjznv6y HELL YEAH
TheMidget75 9 out of the top 10 most polluted cities are communist/socialist cities. I think you have the meme opposite.
mindcontroller Honesty 💯
Lia16 What the hell
TheMidget75 Are we not supposed to be good stewards of the earth and what we have been given? Why would we purposely destroy God’s creation?
Pudg_Facker Leftism is a mental disorder
x1l3550nx If we went back to pulling crap with horses they’d cry pollution
L4DNdrew Have to move goods somehow. Cant just stop everything because its not environmentally friendly. Should to improve where possible though
faller Our clean air
Yoten "You smell that?" "Yeah that's the smell of pollution" "Nope that the smell of FREEDOM"
TheMidget75 Bruh.
DarthBean48 Lol
gvbzjznv6y HELL YEAH
• ReplyTheMidget75 9 out of the top 10 most polluted cities are communist/socialist cities. I think you have the meme opposite.
• Replymindcontroller Honesty 💯
• ReplyLia16 What the hell
• ReplyTheMidget75 Are we not supposed to be good stewards of the earth and what we have been given? Why would we purposely destroy God’s creation?
• ReplyPudg_Facker Leftism is a mental disorder
• ReplyXxMLGChocolatexX CHOO CHOO
• Replyx1l3550nx If we went back to pulling crap with horses they’d cry pollution
• ReplyL4DNdrew Have to move goods somehow. Cant just stop everything because its not environmentally friendly. Should to improve where possible though
• Replyfaller Our clean air
• ReplyYoten "You smell that?" "Yeah that's the smell of pollution" "Nope that the smell of FREEDOM"
• ReplyTheMidget75 Bruh.
• ReplyComrade_cornchip STEAM TRAAAAAAAAIN
• ReplyDarthBean48 Lol
• Reply