Charlie_fox13 Hah same but it’s the meat mush of the children in my basement
Thelures Breaking bad lore
medic_memer next up tieamen square
bruh_is_taken Me explaining why this explanation is true:
Alex_idkwgn Me explain fnaf lore
mornincupojoe Bruh our lore is probably insane
The_Simulator87 based
ImTheBestFtheRest Same
vibingsatoru Cool
Charlie_fox13 Hah same but it’s the meat mush of the children in my basement
• ReplyThelures Breaking bad lore
• Replymedic_memer next up tieamen square
• Replybruh_is_taken Me explaining why this explanation is true:
• ReplyAlex_idkwgn Me explain fnaf lore
• Replymornincupojoe Bruh our lore is probably insane
• ReplyThe_Simulator87 based
• ReplyImTheBestFtheRest Same
• Replyvibingsatoru Cool
• Reply