Reposted LPS_Official
Comrade_cornchip 5 then 3 now
gotdamit 3
8zmcgb2pfw 3-4 but 5 back then
Still_Dislike_LGBT Kinda fell off
AbelReal 5 then, 4-3 now:/
Ale_idkwgn 4-5
mornincupojoe 5 back in the day. 4.5 now.
Nerve9212 4-5
Comrade_cornchip 5 then 3 now
• Replygotdamit 3
• Reply8zmcgb2pfw 3-4 but 5 back then
• ReplyStill_Dislike_LGBT Kinda fell off
AbelReal 5 then, 4-3 now:/
• ReplyAle_idkwgn 4-5
• Replymornincupojoe 5 back in the day. 4.5 now.
• ReplyNerve9212 4-5
• Reply