I am not proud to live in a country that tolerates and enables nazism. I am not proud to live in a country that decides what people can do with their bodies. I am not proud to live in a country where children\u2019s heads are seperated from their torso from their neck being grinded by an AR-15. I am not proud to live in a country responsible for ISIS and the Taliban. I am not proud to live in a country where I am expected to be impartial to Nazis. I am not proud to live in a country where I can not love someone the way the government wants me to. I am not proud to live in a country where police are glorified after the hundreds of murders of innocent black men and the phone checking and hand-sanitizing at Robb Elementary. I am not proud to live in a country built off slavery. But I love my country. And I\u2019m willing to take a stand. Join me, and literally help save America. #antifa #saveamerica #itstime #FTP #fucktrump #fucknazis #FJB #letsgobrandon #equality #commonsense

  • Nerve9212 avatar

    Nerve9212 “Land of the free”

  • PizzaPineapple avatar

    PizzaPineapple and also about police in general, people focus on the minority of awful police officers shooting innocent black men. But we should focus on the majority, the life savers and heroes, who protect us every night and risk their lives daily.

  • PizzaPineapple avatar

    PizzaPineapple about the Uvadle PD, imagine how they feel right now. They must feel TERRIBLE after what happened. People get caught in the moment and do things differently, and in retrospect they most likely rather have died saving those kids than standing outside. They’re human too, following

  • FireBolt975 avatar

    FireBolt975 Yeah our country has a lot of crappy history and crappy stuff going on but you realize that there are people millions of people worried abt where there next meal is coming from… also there’s still millions of slaves out there in the world

  • femboy_general avatar

    femboy_general the thing is they never specify the race of the cop, we’re force to assume it’s a white cop, also 330 million in our nation and you think we’re not allowed to have opposing ideologies? what if i were to say liberals are dumb when it comes to running a country?

#antifa #saveamerica #itstime #ftp #fucktrump #fucknazis #fjb #letsgobrandon #equality #commonsense
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