weird_potatos_twin Ha that’s a trick bc ur never getting bf
boioboio Lol
Pine_Apple_Addy I do that all the time when my friends ask to FaceTime
QueenISHI This is mine...u stole my meme..u stole it...i made this...guyz plz check it on my profile....see guyz I'm not lying...plz support me.
Eddie_kaspbrak Hahahahahahahah omg I’m crying hahahahahahah
M3m3.lord8_4 Dude its 12:33 pm hwre
Sholmeslock *still sleeping*
weird.sushi Its 6 already (6 in the morning)
weird.sushi Lol
CallMeBluee XD
weird_potatos_twin Ha that’s a trick bc ur never getting bf
• Replyboioboio Lol
• ReplyPine_Apple_Addy I do that all the time when my friends ask to FaceTime
• ReplyQueenISHI This is mine...u stole my meme..u stole it...i made this...guyz plz check it on my profile....see guyz I'm not lying...plz support me.
• ReplyEddie_kaspbrak Hahahahahahahah omg I’m crying hahahahahahah
• ReplyM3m3.lord8_4 Dude its 12:33 pm hwre
• ReplySholmeslock *still sleeping*
• Replyweird.sushi Its 6 already (6 in the morning)
• Replyweird.sushi Lol
• ReplyCallMeBluee XD
• Reply