Ch3zy_pickl3s I thought I didn’t have allergy’s but it seems that I sneeze 20 to 30 times a day
jo_mama_9999 Yesssss
thankful_heaven Trueeeee
Izuku_Midoriya123 That’s all the time
FrEEzeR69 Bro then you roll on the other side and I switches over
unconsistent BROOOOOOOOO this is straight facts I swear
bozo5708 This is me every day, not just on allergy season
memer_10000 This my nose my whole life I have a deveated cemptom
bigJuan788 So true bro
maxmakesmemes9 I just got this ‘tis morning
Cheeto_diabeeto Mine would be one blocked and one running like mario from bowser
corndoge Why is this so relatable 😂
JustAngle I thought I was the only one
Comrade_cornchip I have almost never breathed out of both year round
Uzamaki_cooki5 I struggle with this
Ch3zy_pickl3s I thought I didn’t have allergy’s but it seems that I sneeze 20 to 30 times a day
• Replyjo_mama_9999 Yesssss
• Replythankful_heaven Trueeeee
• ReplyIzuku_Midoriya123 That’s all the time
• ReplyFrEEzeR69 Bro then you roll on the other side and I switches over
• Replyunconsistent BROOOOOOOOO this is straight facts I swear
• Replybozo5708 This is me every day, not just on allergy season
• Replymemer_10000 This my nose my whole life I have a deveated cemptom
• ReplybigJuan788 So true bro
• Replymaxmakesmemes9 I just got this ‘tis morning
• ReplyCheeto_diabeeto Mine would be one blocked and one running like mario from bowser
• Replycorndoge Why is this so relatable 😂
• ReplyJustAngle I thought I was the only one
• ReplyComrade_cornchip I have almost never breathed out of both year round
• ReplyUzamaki_cooki5 I struggle with this
• Reply