khansajid4784 Nice post
its_just_thorne Since i work in customer care , whenever a karen hairstyle walks in and i immediately hear boss music
nickcrus2012 Ha ha
EpicMemerzGirl Karen walks up to the manger, manager: oh so your approaching me?
Just_3v3 Not to be rude but the phrase “Karen “ is really unkind because I know a lot of people who are named “Karen” and they find it very offensive
ambertanner its late at night, i saw this meme, i dont go to sleep
nileshtarvadiya22568 First
Guys_im_trying134 SUMMON DA COPS
TheRealSCP_096 Don’t Karens ever shut the fuck up? 🙄
TaterDaPotato7W 4th comment. <:b.
justSomeRandomCosplayuwu Wait imagine Karen’s are actually immortal and slowly more and more Karen’s come into existence until finally they dominate the earth and traumatize all fast food workers
FnfAndKpopFan GODS
memenator12345 First
khansajid4784 Nice post
• Replyits_just_thorne Since i work in customer care , whenever a karen hairstyle walks in and i immediately hear boss music
• Replynickcrus2012 Ha ha
• ReplyEpicMemerzGirl Karen walks up to the manger, manager: oh so your approaching me?
• ReplyJust_3v3 Not to be rude but the phrase “Karen “ is really unkind because I know a lot of people who are named “Karen” and they find it very offensive
• Replyambertanner its late at night, i saw this meme, i dont go to sleep
• Replynileshtarvadiya22568 First
• ReplyGuys_im_trying134 SUMMON DA COPS
• ReplyTheRealSCP_096 Don’t Karens ever shut the fuck up? 🙄
• ReplyTaterDaPotato7W 4th comment. <:b.
• ReplyjustSomeRandomCosplayuwu Wait imagine Karen’s are actually immortal and slowly more and more Karen’s come into existence until finally they dominate the earth and traumatize all fast food workers
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan GODS
• Replymemenator12345 First
• Reply