I was a crazy ex. I was dating this girl. Now, coming into it, she had an open relationship with this guy who lived out of state. We were fuckbuddies, and we started getting feelings--queue up the usual story. She started debating breaking up with him to be with just me (at the time, I wasn't alright with open relationships; give me a break, it was college and I was dumb), and eventually did. I can't stress enough that you should never date someone who broke up with someone else to be with you. That's a lesson I've tried to drill into my little brother, his friends, and anyone else who will listen. The trust isn't there, because the precedent is one of not being trustworthy.
Anyway, things go pretty OK for a bit. But the jealousy hits me. Why is he still calling her? Am I just another open relationship and not knowing it? Does she actually love me (another lesson, kids, don't use the L word in college--it's dumb), or was I just a distraction? I went nuts. Crossed a line when she left her livejournal (dating myself here) open on my machine. I read it. Private entries and all. Whole conversations between them with him badmouthing me and her openly wondering if she should break up with me and get back with him. I know I crossed a line, but at this point I was so insecure and jealous that I flipped out. Massively. Confronted her on it, they cut off contact, and things proceed.
Mind you, I was always suspicious, and having gone full on jealous asshole mode once already I basically couldn't get out of it. I became a suspicious, awful dick. But even with that, I had that whole "dude, I *love* her" thing going on, and was determined to make it work. Just, you know, by controlling her and being a jealous asshole.
So, like it does, this behavior on my part drives her to lash back at me. Lots of fights, lots of crying, lots of pretty brutal rough make up sex. And being young and stupid, I chalk all of it up as emotional investment and hard times to be overcome so that we can finally be happy. She gets jealous back at me, we fight some more, she goes through my phone, I go through hers, the whole nine yards of bad relationship Vietnam. Really, terribly awful stuff. I catch her doing the same "emotional cheating" (her term, not mine) a couple more times, she catches me at it, as well, and we turn the entire relationship into an awful deathgrip of awful crap.
As eventually happens in situations like these, one of us is bound to cheat on the other. It was her, though not for lack of trying on my part. I had bought the ring and was going to make the insane leap, and she left me a week before I'd planned to propose. She'd been fucking my best friend at the time (yeah, some friend, eh?) for about six months.
I went ballistic. Even though I was miserable in the relationship. Even though I was just as fed up and pissed off as she was. Even though everything was completely and utterly shitty. It didn't matter. I exploded, got rip roaring drunk, called her every slut shaming and awful name I could, punched him in the face, and basically had a complete and total meltdown. It was terrible.
The thing is, even though I was miserable, I was still pissed off. I kept trying to make things work, and I kept holding out hope that they'd get better. It wasn't until later that I realized who I'd become and where I'd gone emotionally in that mess, and looking back on it now I hate who and what I became, there. We brought out the absolute worst in each other, and the breakup was no different.
The thing about crazy exes is exactly the thing about the sinners in Dante's vision of hell. It's not that they're hateful, terrible people, or that they're somehow just not normal folks like everyone else; it's excessive or flawed love.
I didn't think I was being crazy, I didn't think I was even being unreasonable. I just thought I was trying to keep us together because, dammit, we were happy--when we clearly weren't. It's hell, and everyone can go there with the right push or the wrong situation. EVERYONE. So go easy on the crazy exes of the world. They aren't in full control, I'd say. Sometimes we just snap.
As is, I'm a lot better. Am in a normal, sane relationship that makes that one look like a nightmarish fever dream of the shittiest possible kind. I'm over her, found myself, and am looking to get married soon. No more jealousy issues (at least, not anything off the scale like I was), no more manipulation, none of it. Hell, I think I became a better person for having gone through it. It showed me how bad I could get and exactly how not to be in a relationship. I learned the wrong way, so I can do right.
What's really messed up is that sometimes she shows up in my dreams, and it'll mess me up for a day. It's like I got some kind of shellshock out of it, you know? Like as bad as it was, and as awful as it was, part of me never left. That worries me, but then it's just bad dreams.
Username: gaelraibead