This is unacceptable
TryingToGetFamous This is day 189 of me trying to get famous by commenting
bluesheep16_i_like_memes They had us in the first half not gonna lie
FnfAndKpopFan r/technicallythetruth
5xsqw2wx5s FOX:šš®š²š§šÆ
theeglory Then why are there more black pieces on the board!š¤
king_shrek I hate loving this
the_bookworm01 Wow. Much better than racism. Still wish the black man won
Kermit_thee_frog What a sec...
Kermit_thee_frog What I sec....
memememeforyou Iām sharing this lol
memememeforyou Lol! How racist
wario Lmao this got me
artist2013 Lmfaooooo
UnknownMemegod definetly not because of the george floyd incedent, NO NO NO!
TryingToGetFamous This is day 189 of me trying to get famous by commenting
• Replynitrotherobot
bluesheep16_i_like_memes They had us in the first half not gonna lie
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan r/technicallythetruth
• Reply5xsqw2wx5s FOX:šš®š²š§šÆ
• Replytheeglory Then why are there more black pieces on the board!š¤
• Replyking_shrek I hate loving this
• Replythe_bookworm01 Wow. Much better than racism. Still wish the black man won
• ReplyKermit_thee_frog What a sec...
• ReplyKermit_thee_frog What I sec....
• Replymemememeforyou Iām sharing this lol
• Replymemememeforyou Lol! How racist
• Replywario Lmao this got me
• Replyartist2013 Lmfaooooo
• ReplyUnknownMemegod definetly not because of the george floyd incedent, NO NO NO!
• Reply