unconsistent Relatable
haruken_tornado_69 Dude it’s impossible to say how damn true this his
leylani2010 On god tho
Willy_Wanka Hahaha you don’t wanna see the junk in my camera 🥴
Flutter_pie12 this is so true
rosie_cgh screenshotting this amiright
Ace_The_Rabbit Basically my video edits in a nutshell
TheDUDEler *screenshots*
why_am_i_a_person True😂
animal_lover3 So. Fucking. True.
Bakugou_Simp The people on top of that pile are really living their best life aren’t they?
Rawr_o_ That's a Horder for phone users
mohamedmustafaomar77 This is true i see every day this car in our country
Dr.Poltergeist That’s how my phone used to be 😅🤣
unconsistent Relatable
• Replyharuken_tornado_69 Dude it’s impossible to say how damn true this his
• Replyleylani2010 On god tho
• ReplyWilly_Wanka Hahaha you don’t wanna see the junk in my camera 🥴
• ReplyFlutter_pie12 this is so true
• Replyrosie_cgh screenshotting this amiright
• Replymeme_are_the_bests
Ace_The_Rabbit Basically my video edits in a nutshell
• ReplyTheDUDEler *screenshots*
• Replywhy_am_i_a_person True😂
• Replyanimal_lover3 So. Fucking. True.
• ReplyBakugou_Simp The people on top of that pile are really living their best life aren’t they?
• ReplyRawr_o_ That's a Horder for phone users
• Replymohamedmustafaomar77 This is true i see every day this car in our country
• ReplyDr.Poltergeist That’s how my phone used to be 😅🤣
• Reply