Response from a 6 year old. #woke What\u2019s yours?
flamingofan2 Me:
coolbeb2007 Murder all humans
Ty_White_fanfiction I recycle everyday.
Political_Memes Please Look at my Memes! A follow would be great
10Lydia I stay inside
yeetfeetdelete Shiiiiit
edwind I shit myself
badmemesforever so sad
MemeMako Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
badmemesforever lmfao
ethansenana I literally seen this on the gram
retarded_taco ⬇️
flamingofan2 Me:
• Replycoolbeb2007 Murder all humans
• ReplyTy_White_fanfiction I recycle everyday.
• ReplyPolitical_Memes Please Look at my Memes! A follow would be great
• Reply10Lydia I stay inside
• Replyyeetfeetdelete Shiiiiit
• Reply15WAFFLEZ_ .
• Reply15WAFFLEZ_ .
• Replyedwind I shit myself
• ReplyTHIS_IS_MY_MEANING Uhhhhhhh
• Replybadmemesforever so sad
• ReplyMemeMako Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
• Replybadmemesforever lmfao
• Replyethansenana I literally seen this on the gram
• Replyretarded_taco ⬇️
• Reply