\u200bMeme #memes #dankmemes #memesdaily I finna get your brain
MIXTZ_Memes Iff I read it wrong that means I am smart cause I think things that are spelled wrong are spelled right
etane No no no
geeking_memes I only read the second one wrong sorry but you just got vectered
discow_potatow Lol
davisguggs Nah I said them all right
disturbedchicken I actually read the first one right😤
panzercat I read it as YOU HAVE A BIG BLACK GLOCK.
Walbash_Charlie Fetcheth thy holiest of liquids
0riginalm3m3 Holy water gonna getchu
lonelyweirdo I didn’t read any of it wrong
i_fart Yeh isn’t it meant to say cock
p00pb0t_57 I get it pretty sure not moo a mooa
ProfessionalReterd Read the first right then I read the 2nd one wrong
taliasmemes1 I thought it said block lol
MIXTZ_Memes Iff I read it wrong that means I am smart cause I think things that are spelled wrong are spelled right
• Replyetane No no no
• Replygeeking_memes I only read the second one wrong sorry but you just got vectered
• Replydiscow_potatow Lol
• Replydavisguggs Nah I said them all right
• Replydisturbedchicken I actually read the first one right😤
• Replypanzercat I read it as YOU HAVE A BIG BLACK GLOCK.
• ReplyWalbash_Charlie Fetcheth thy holiest of liquids
• Reply0riginalm3m3 Holy water gonna getchu
• Replylonelyweirdo I didn’t read any of it wrong
• Replyi_fart Yeh isn’t it meant to say cock
• Replyp00pb0t_57 I get it pretty sure not moo a mooa
• ReplyProfessionalReterd Read the first right then I read the 2nd one wrong
• ReplyS_natched
taliasmemes1 I thought it said block lol
• Reply