#bruhmoment #trump2020 #venting

  • mynameis_Dumb avatar

    mynameis_Dumb Making praying mandatory in schools is a terrible idea, because not everybody is the same religion or even has a religion. As for masks, people get mad when you don't wear them, because without one, someone could catch COVID 19

  • killjoy_weirdo avatar

    killjoy_weirdo I guess schools are too afraid of “offending” people by allowing people to pray in school Idk. I remember my 7th grade counselor mentioned that she would pray for some students, and apparently that made the teacher mad, cuz somehow religion is bad in schools? I mean I get that not everyone is religious and I respect that, but I never thought it would be a problem to pray in school. It’s weird tho...cuz at my school we can’t mention religion, which I just find strange. Like I just don’t get why teachers can’t even mention it...like I don’t see a problem with a teacher saying “I’ll pray for you” cuz even if I wasn’t religious, that wouldn’t offend me, I would just be like ok, that’s nice.

  • friendchicken avatar

    friendchicken I see your intentions, and i believe they're good, but i dont think having prayers in schools is a good idea. I think some people praying is a good idea, but making it mandatory in schools would go against our constitution in terms of freedom of religon. Furthernore, with our growing and developing society many people like myself, are either agnostic, or dont believe in a god. I believe religon is a good practice no matter what kind, but forcing it on other people doesnt seem to have a good outcome.

  • sentoutbytheword avatar

    sentoutbytheword We should have never let the dems run our education systems

#bruhmoment #trump2020 #venting
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