# #goku # #godzillapride
warner.simone Mine over here are remote and one of them said they couldn’t go to school on Thursday cause he had a tummy ache. Boy if you don’t get out the bed and roll to your desk ASAP
bradbeast__40 True
Mimi_the_meme89 Wha- is that FACE-
bobuxmanreal bobux
giraffe_memes 500th like
WeiRd_ThouGhs I never did that but I thought about it 🤫
HataNoKokoro That cat need to go to hospital
Voldy_No_Nose That face tho-😂
AvocadToast_Chan How lil kids cough
cursed_jinxx Lol kids try to do that all the time
warner.simone Mine over here are remote and one of them said they couldn’t go to school on Thursday cause he had a tummy ache. Boy if you don’t get out the bed and roll to your desk ASAP
• Replybradbeast__40 True
• ReplyMimi_the_meme89 Wha- is that FACE-
• Replybobuxmanreal bobux
• Replygiraffe_memes 500th like
• ReplyWeiRd_ThouGhs I never did that but I thought about it 🤫
• ReplyHataNoKokoro That cat need to go to hospital
• ReplyVoldy_No_Nose That face tho-😂
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan How lil kids cough
• Replycursed_jinxx Lol kids try to do that all the time
• Reply