Well when people use simp it\u2019s usually a joke, but the proper use of simp is when someone obsesses over a girl usually when the girl doesn\u2019t like the simp back \u270c\ufe0f
Reposted Apex_Wolf
Eri_senpai ...If people call me a simp THEY CAN FUCK THE HELL OFF >:3
c_a_r_l_o_s Simp
BryceTheBodacious Yeah, it’s more like pretty much drooling over someone
killjoy_weirdo I only use it as a joke...I think I’ve only used it seriously once
Eri_senpai ...If people call me a simp THEY CAN FUCK THE HELL OFF >:3
• Replyc_a_r_l_o_s Simp
• ReplyBryceTheBodacious Yeah, it’s more like pretty much drooling over someone
• Replykilljoy_weirdo I only use it as a joke...I think I’ve only used it seriously once
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