Me with my grandfather\u2019s 1886 Winchester Repeater with a custom barrel
Emi_is_weird Rayna says you look like a stick.
No_Drip_T Him when someone rolls up with a uzi: 🤡
cjay123 Ohh freak
idk_i_just_dunno Can you shoot me please
suggs28 Why is your finger on the trigger son.
Elmo_StupIdiot Nice, have you ever actually shot it?
queenava is that actually you?
codydixon940 His arms h gonna break off that kid needs a cheese burger
chem_memes I have a marlin like that one
Scoliosis17 No one said that lol
surfinsafari_sunny Winchester 👀
buffers Ahhh
Bomberblast57 I have 2 22mm Winchester lever action rifles
I_have_your_Cookie What would i give for that photo
Emi_is_weird Rayna says you look like a stick.
• ReplyNo_Drip_T Him when someone rolls up with a uzi: 🤡
• Replycjay123 Ohh freak
• Replyidk_i_just_dunno Can you shoot me please
• Replysuggs28 Why is your finger on the trigger son.
• ReplyElmo_StupIdiot Nice, have you ever actually shot it?
• ReplyNoobestMatsterof69
queenava is that actually you?
• Replycodydixon940 His arms h gonna break off that kid needs a cheese burger
• Replychem_memes I have a marlin like that one
• ReplyScoliosis17 No one said that lol
• Replysurfinsafari_sunny Winchester 👀
• Replybuffers Ahhh
• ReplyBomberblast57 I have 2 22mm Winchester lever action rifles
• ReplyI_have_your_Cookie What would i give for that photo
• Reply