Arxidokarbounos too dangerous to be kept alive.
iamtootruetobetrue Guys follow me
HitlerOfTheNazis This was the 6th time this week
HitlerOfTheNazis Finally now my family won’t be killed by Duolingo bird bc I forget my lessons
user352983582826 Outsmarted
FnfAndKpopFan Then he could run with them and be like Kuchi Sake Onna for all I care
memes_y_u_dum Lol
repisthebest13 This doesn’t make sense but does at the same time so...
ballbreaker What if you put down the scissors
Nameless_Artist In Virginia you just need to turn your back because you can’t kill somebody from behind
AvocadToast_Chan Smort
mightymaee Hahah
mightymaee Huh?
Arxidokarbounos too dangerous to be kept alive.
• Replycrazy_cat_lady23
iamtootruetobetrue Guys follow me
• ReplyHitlerOfTheNazis This was the 6th time this week
• ReplyHitlerOfTheNazis Finally now my family won’t be killed by Duolingo bird bc I forget my lessons
• Replyuser352983582826 Outsmarted
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan Then he could run with them and be like Kuchi Sake Onna for all I care
• Replymemes_y_u_dum Lol
• Replyrepisthebest13 This doesn’t make sense but does at the same time so...
• Replyballbreaker What if you put down the scissors
• ReplyNameless_Artist In Virginia you just need to turn your back because you can’t kill somebody from behind
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Smort
• Replymightymaee Hahah
mightymaee Huh?
• Replymeeeeep56