#blyat #behl #bestfriendo #stolenfromdiscord
cvygpgyyjc Being based and think I hope people and fury’s are dumb
BulletMeetFurry Having a sliver of any semblence of common sense keeps me from dressing like a retarded femboy
Eel_animations Having more then 2 brain cells
noodle_cat Having a brain
I_eat_nuts Not being a femboy
weird_Ugandan_Man Being one of the people hunting these people so I can make them extinct
b_o_b ha ha lol facts from all of y’all
Jayboythememelord Being men ya know decent human beings
katywg This is facts
ness_earthbound21 Being sane
Trollimar Being raised to know what is in between my legs.
blockayboi_8158 Being cultured
Yoten Cant relate to either
cvygpgyyjc Being based and think I hope people and fury’s are dumb
• ReplyBulletMeetFurry Having a sliver of any semblence of common sense keeps me from dressing like a retarded femboy
• ReplyEel_animations Having more then 2 brain cells
• Replynoodle_cat Having a brain
• ReplyI_eat_nuts Not being a femboy
• Replyweird_Ugandan_Man Being one of the people hunting these people so I can make them extinct
• Replyb_o_b ha ha lol facts from all of y’all
• ReplyJayboythememelord Being men ya know decent human beings
• Replykatywg This is facts
• Replyness_earthbound21 Being sane
• ReplyTrollimar Being raised to know what is in between my legs.
• Replyblockayboi_8158 Being cultured
• ReplyYoten Cant relate to either
• Reply