#msjoke if you don\u2019t understand this joke you are actually retarded
The_Crusader_93 Thats a holiday?
Spooky_SpiceGurl I am ready!!
ninjamonkey_I_no_1 I get it
poochie-bittner Wut
ItsKaiden Shut up liberal
Comrade_John_Wick 😆😂🤣
imadoofus Lmao
SpaghettE Yessir (and yes I get the joke)
mememaster1234567891011 No
Damn.Goku Not me
HataNoKokoro February 30? The fuck there is 28 not 30 you idiot
Foxtrotrgt09 If you mean women’s rights as in today’s stupidity (present time era) then no. We’re all already equal so that’s good enough for me 😁
Foxtrotrgt09 Is this women’s rights as in celebrating what we achieved in history including: voting, jobs, political careers, any career, military, and all that good productive stuff? Then sure
Gin_Ibushi What is a women
Spooky_Bruh.com Me
The_Crusader_93 Thats a holiday?
• ReplySpooky_SpiceGurl I am ready!!
• Replyninjamonkey_I_no_1 I get it
• Replypoochie-bittner Wut
• ReplyItsKaiden Shut up liberal
• ReplyComrade_John_Wick 😆😂🤣
• Replyimadoofus Lmao
• ReplySpaghettE Yessir (and yes I get the joke)
• Replymememaster1234567891011 No
• ReplyDamn.Goku Not me
• ReplyHataNoKokoro February 30? The fuck there is 28 not 30 you idiot
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 If you mean women’s rights as in today’s stupidity (present time era) then no. We’re all already equal so that’s good enough for me 😁
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 Is this women’s rights as in celebrating what we achieved in history including: voting, jobs, political careers, any career, military, and all that good productive stuff? Then sure
• ReplyGin_Ibushi What is a women
• ReplySpooky_Bruh.com Me
• Reply