AtomicSamurai Who was the father, cause he sure as hell ain’t.
CtrlV_CtrlC Hol up
cvygpgyyjc @He_Hate_Me that’s the fur color
buttholechapstick I think they have much larger stressors in their lives
He_Hate_Me_Anyways They looked unfazed about the dog being the same skin color as the baby!!!!
AtomicSamurai Who was the father, cause he sure as hell ain’t.
• ReplyCtrlV_CtrlC Hol up
• Replycvygpgyyjc @He_Hate_Me that’s the fur color
• Replybuttholechapstick I think they have much larger stressors in their lives
• ReplyHe_Hate_Me_Anyways They looked unfazed about the dog being the same skin color as the baby!!!!
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