weird.sushi Press F to pay respect
mikey_649 I have to hype myself up to sit on a cold toilet seat like I CAN DO THIS!!
kreeper77 And realise there is no toilet paper
ZombieMiner23 Yeah so true
Mikey_Dude When you sit down on a wet toilet seat
Foxtrotrgt09 Oh meister already said that XD
Foxtrotrgt09 Or a super warm one...
a_bat I hate it
https.meister.gov Also when you sit down on a warm toilet seat:
weird.sushi Press F to pay respect
• Replymikey_649 I have to hype myself up to sit on a cold toilet seat like I CAN DO THIS!!
• Replykreeper77 And realise there is no toilet paper
• ReplyZombieMiner23 Yeah so true
• ReplyMikey_Dude When you sit down on a wet toilet seat
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 Oh meister already said that XD
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 Or a super warm one...
• Replya_bat I hate it
• Replyhttps.meister.gov Also when you sit down on a warm toilet seat:
• Reply