This kinda cringe but people really be doing that
jungkookstolemywig literally
ness_earthbound21 Me: says I’m a idiot that kid: aight ima head out
Kira_Sama I like to kill such kinds of kids 🥴🥴
pepilapeach Lol I wish
Pianoboy07 It’s pretty annoying, someone does that to me they kinda copy me and try to stay by me at ALL TIMES but they’re nice and one of my friends! Everyone’s friend actually 🥲😀
Sukuna_Senpai Fr
jungkookstolemywig literally
• Replyness_earthbound21 Me: says I’m a idiot that kid: aight ima head out
• ReplyKira_Sama I like to kill such kinds of kids 🥴🥴
• Replypepilapeach Lol I wish
• ReplyPianoboy07 It’s pretty annoying, someone does that to me they kinda copy me and try to stay by me at ALL TIMES but they’re nice and one of my friends! Everyone’s friend actually 🥲😀
Sukuna_Senpai Fr
• ReplyFun_Facts