Reposted _Ecstasy_
THE_RUSSIAN_SPY Pink purple and white
_Ecstasy_ I think, you're like a mixture of all
FreakingSPOOKY cobalt, blue
Velocijammer Teal: Escaped governmental experiment
BryceTheBodacious Black, blue, and it’s so COOL
CEO_of_Waffles Purple, blue
THE_RUSSIAN_SPY Pink purple and white
• Reply_Ecstasy_ I think, you're like a mixture of all
• ReplyFreakingSPOOKY cobalt, blue
• ReplyVelocijammer Teal: Escaped governmental experiment
• ReplyBryceTheBodacious Black, blue, and it’s so COOL
• ReplyCEO_of_Waffles Purple, blue
• Reply