Welp, Imma just test it out anyways. If I dunno your irl name I'll just use your user!! (:
Reposted Emi_is_weird
xXFred_ChanXx I don't have sharpie..I think I used to..
shaxx No thanks
Yuri.Ayato I reposted an I got no one yet lmfao *laughter slowly turns into crying*
hey_im_sasuke Lmao gonna have mixedAR on your arm better than my username tho 😂 I should really read post 😂
mysterious_tix Nice.
xXFred_ChanXx I don't have sharpie..I think I used to..
• Replyshaxx No thanks
• ReplyYuri.Ayato I reposted an I got no one yet lmfao *laughter slowly turns into crying*
• Replyhey_im_sasuke Lmao gonna have mixedAR on your arm better than my username tho 😂 I should really read post 😂
• ReplyDarth_Joker
mysterious_tix Nice.
• Reply