Nah I think that’s you bro. And if it’s not, then I’ll get my 1942 gun from WW2 and shoot you in the damn ass. Us Germans are happy to kill any chance we get. Besides, you probably don’t even know what WW2 is. Probs still learning how to add.
satisfying_poop Nah I think that’s you bro. And if it’s not, then I’ll get my 1942 gun from WW2 and shoot you in the damn ass. Us Germans are happy to kill any chance we get. Besides, you probably don’t even know what WW2 is. Probs still learning how to add.
• Replynotactiveanymore It’s you not twintigers
• ReplyComrade_cornchip Alright enough of that
• Replyimjustway2funny4u Bro shut the hell up
• ReplySpooky_Sub_Senpai SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!TF R U TRING TA DO?!?! THEY CAN HEAR U!!
• Reply