#memes #meme
operqed Good
no_your_weird Haha I do that
connoralexa21foreverlove not true any of those text
Mariatos544 This is app for memes not sadness
no_name_random_person I mean at least you have 90% battery š
agreta_426 why do i have to feel these sooooo much...
nice_cronk Iām four parallel universes in front of you
_official.layyy.x._ Yo
Umai_is_a_simp But dat battery tho.
meme_dubs (O-O)
The_Average_Introvert It do be like that
protip Yah-yah-YaYayayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
justhfhfhfhf Dats all true
Theyb Das how it be sometimes
funky245 Looks like your alone for life. Why would u spend time for some garbage
operqed Good
• Replyno_your_weird Haha I do that
• Replyconnoralexa21foreverlove not true any of those text
• ReplyMariatos544 This is app for memes not sadness
• Replyno_name_random_person I mean at least you have 90% battery š
• Replyagreta_426 why do i have to feel these sooooo much...
• Replynice_cronk Iām four parallel universes in front of you
• Reply_official.layyy.x._ Yo
• ReplyUmai_is_a_simp But dat battery tho.
• Replymeme_dubs (O-O)
• ReplyThe_Average_Introvert It do be like that
• Replyprotip Yah-yah-YaYayayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
• Replyjusthfhfhfhf Dats all true
• ReplyTheyb Das how it be sometimes
• Replyfunky245 Looks like your alone for life. Why would u spend time for some garbage
• Reply