pizzapockets2 If only it was that easy
clarissa666 When I scrolled down I saw the same guy but with pennywise
Swag_Wagon Smooth criminal
hankypankylanky69 it all went down hill from there
turmanidzeoto What is dms?
milanotfound you wish you could
Burned_Popcorn_Brigade Apparently all you gotta do is say ‘yo’
Kayla230 JuSt ImAjInE
t_l_bb_m Bro he said yeet
4X0 That’s how you get yourself emotionally killed.
dylanangstreich Imagine if the joker staircase scene was a bit more realistic. Instead of making his way downtown and everything is all whoopdidoo, he takes a huge fall when he takes the first huge step
Mo.89 I could hear the backround music
TheRealSCP_682 If only
Tyle9 And have the ability to immediately flunk any conversations with anyone
Tyle9 If only everyone could be as cool as me
pizzapockets2 If only it was that easy
• Replyclarissa666 When I scrolled down I saw the same guy but with pennywise
• ReplySwag_Wagon Smooth criminal
• Replyhankypankylanky69 it all went down hill from there
• Replyturmanidzeoto What is dms?
• Replymilanotfound you wish you could
• ReplyBurned_Popcorn_Brigade Apparently all you gotta do is say ‘yo’
• ReplyKayla230 JuSt ImAjInE
• Replyt_l_bb_m Bro he said yeet
• Reply4X0 That’s how you get yourself emotionally killed.
• Replydylanangstreich Imagine if the joker staircase scene was a bit more realistic. Instead of making his way downtown and everything is all whoopdidoo, he takes a huge fall when he takes the first huge step
• ReplyMo.89 I could hear the backround music
• ReplyTheRealSCP_682 If only
• ReplyTyle9 And have the ability to immediately flunk any conversations with anyone
• ReplyTyle9 If only everyone could be as cool as me
• Reply