aacciidd Ah yes, memes
Scropion100 شنو؟!
kraus313 The savages will trample each other anyway.
SurfingTurtle This is pog
PuffyBoi That could work
Bakugou_Simp Allahu Akbar
Comrade_John_Wick Years ago, similar virus to covid & sars call MERS hit the middle east hard several times if I remember correctl
Lachlan_likes_memes I feel like that’s a waste of whatever they are using
Fun_Facts Why is this on my for you page if it doesn't even have 100 or 40 likes
aacciidd Ah yes, memes
• ReplyScropion100 شنو؟!
• Replykraus313 The savages will trample each other anyway.
• ReplySurfingTurtle This is pog
• ReplyPuffyBoi That could work
• ReplyBakugou_Simp Allahu Akbar
• ReplyComrade_John_Wick Years ago, similar virus to covid & sars call MERS hit the middle east hard several times if I remember correctl
• ReplyLachlan_likes_memes I feel like that’s a waste of whatever they are using
• ReplyFun_Facts Why is this on my for you page if it doesn't even have 100 or 40 likes
• Reply