This post reading my mind \ud83e\udd2f

Repost if you have to exit out of this app every time you see your parents πŸ™

Reposted kkrazy

kkrazy avatar
Repost if you have to exit out of this app every time you see your parents πŸ™
  • gametag_memes avatar

    gametag_memes Yup

  • surfinsafari_sunny avatar

    surfinsafari_sunny Not only exit but sign tf out πŸ˜‚

  • Joy_Nelly avatar

    Joy_Nelly Lol I actually enter the app whenever they show up

  • stowess avatar

    stowess At yhe carwash with my mom right now! Still have this app open. Dont follow anything weitd enough to be concerned!

  • NoOneInParticular avatar

    NoOneInParticular Yup

  • SaRaHtIa_BUrrIToo avatar

    SaRaHtIa_BUrrIToo That literally happens to me so much!! πŸ˜‚

  • Eagle555 avatar

    Eagle555 No I just don’t look at your profile 🀣

  • frolictheHORSE avatar

    frolictheHORSE Yes πŸ˜’

  • satisfying_poop avatar

    satisfying_poop Yup. I have to delete it whenever they want to see my phone and then get it back when they’re done lol.

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