behl_mcpoopiefaceee 9.9999999/10
Dank.memes_lizzy81822 9/10
Yehaboi 8/10
Homelander_rl From that camera angel its like a 8/10 but if it were a side-ish veiw or a slightly abouve eyeline veiw then it would def be a 9-9.5/10
Fun_Facts -28681734697852764219789175897429862781687456872162396374697832676248795234895123965364321833453826152167836214764328763187351/10
NoneYaBizNess You look like your nose and left eye are in a fight
Gilbert437 Tbh 3/10
Atomic_Guy 7/10
PeePeePooPoopoo 2/10
Orangejuiceyboi 9.9/10 can’t fair you a 10 cuz i’m not gay
Dat_Thankful_Boi 10/10
cheeeze 10/10
behl_mcpoopiefaceee 9.9999999/10
• ReplyDank.memes_lizzy81822 9/10
• ReplyYehaboi 8/10
• ReplyHomelander_rl From that camera angel its like a 8/10 but if it were a side-ish veiw or a slightly abouve eyeline veiw then it would def be a 9-9.5/10
• ReplyFun_Facts -28681734697852764219789175897429862781687456872162396374697832676248795234895123965364321833453826152167836214764328763187351/10
• ReplyNoneYaBizNess You look like your nose and left eye are in a fight
• ReplyGilbert437 Tbh 3/10
• ReplyAtomic_Guy 7/10
• ReplyPeePeePooPoopoo 2/10
• ReplyOrangejuiceyboi 9.9/10 can’t fair you a 10 cuz i’m not gay
• ReplyDat_Thankful_Boi 10/10
• Replycheeeze 10/10
• Reply