How about this- ignore it. Arguing won’t do anything. So just ignore it. 🤷♀️ what are you gonna do? Throw Comments back and forth? Pfft as if that does anything. It doesn’t… best to move on and don’t give attention to it
Lgbtq people don't annoy me until they demonstrate around my house... But there wasn't any demonstrations since early 1991 so they have my support
alexidk Bro wanna be friends baby yoda also wants me dead
• ReplyCommanewism_real As he said, he was joking, that’s what this app is for
• Replyalexidk He wants me dead noted
• Reply57hyvx24ea Baby Yoda has a point
• ReplyAlva_j9878 +1 360-205-2555
• ReplyThe_Iron_giant Twitter has found your comment section
• ReplyPizzaPineapple *eats popcorn* ahhhhh…chaos
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 How about this- ignore it. Arguing won’t do anything. So just ignore it. 🤷♀️ what are you gonna do? Throw Comments back and forth? Pfft as if that does anything. It doesn’t… best to move on and don’t give attention to it
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Also you were being “foodsexualaphobic” 😱😱😱 like bruh you that no those were weird lgbtq is just as weird
• Replyadrianace Damn he wants lgbt people dead? Jokes on him I want myself dead even more
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Lol also I’m 12 like bruh
• ReplyMiskoSkace Lgbtq people don't annoy me until they demonstrate around my house... But there wasn't any demonstrations since early 1991 so they have my support
• ReplyPizzaPineapple And you should be extremely paranoid if baby yoda wants you dead. You should be happy he doesnt
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Also I forgot u are lgbtq
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Nope lol at least I didn’t say stabbed with a sword
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