uriellopez7432 I like trap but anime girl
alk_n Idk man I think I like speedowagon
Poopoo.man Gimme some fuckin futa man, like that’s dick ass and a coochie I think
Everyday_I_be_kpoppin The only thing I need to know about these waifus is do they like kpop and dogs periodt
Ace_The_Rabbit Ah yes I see your perspective well but Loli’s are the best out of all of those choices
grandmeme Btw the first girl is from “miss koboyashi’s dragon maid”
TheFunnny3062 But if im 11 does that make lolis legal for me
Angel_Dust_666 I’m sticking with trap.
starkpandey i want samsung's waifu
uriellopez7432 I like trap but anime girl
• Replyalk_n Idk man I think I like speedowagon
• ReplyPoopoo.man Gimme some fuckin futa man, like that’s dick ass and a coochie I think
• ReplyEveryday_I_be_kpoppin The only thing I need to know about these waifus is do they like kpop and dogs periodt
• Replykidpusse
• ReplyAce_The_Rabbit Ah yes I see your perspective well but Loli’s are the best out of all of those choices
grandmeme Btw the first girl is from “miss koboyashi’s dragon maid”
• ReplyTheFunnny3062 But if im 11 does that make lolis legal for me
• ReplyAngel_Dust_666 I’m sticking with trap.
• Replystarkpandey i want samsung's waifu
• Reply