Itachi12 Dido.... I don’t think I should explain why 😏
poopylicious In Pokemon Red & Blue, Dodrio can learn fly but Charizard can't
UnreaI Also this monstrosity of a matpat video
Barry_the_shrek Charmander can learn wing attack.
that_memer_is_me Squirtle can use fireball
diamondmeme Garadose and fireblast
emo_senpai Why can gastly learn fly
flattened_burgers Geodude can self destruct, he’s a goddamn rock with no legs how the hell
Teh_Impostor Did you include the ghastly because it can learn the elemental punches?
cheeeze Give me a reason for mew to be able to learn literally everything
ThatBasilisk Dodrio can learn fly. No wings. I wonder how it does it…
Itachi12 Dido.... I don’t think I should explain why 😏
• Replypoopylicious In Pokemon Red & Blue, Dodrio can learn fly but Charizard can't
• ReplyUnreaI Also this monstrosity of a matpat video
Barry_the_shrek Charmander can learn wing attack.
• ReplyUnreaI
• Replythat_memer_is_me Squirtle can use fireball
• Replydiamondmeme Garadose and fireblast
• Replyemo_senpai Why can gastly learn fly
• Replyflattened_burgers Geodude can self destruct, he’s a goddamn rock with no legs how the hell
• ReplyTeh_Impostor Did you include the ghastly because it can learn the elemental punches?
• Replycheeeze Give me a reason for mew to be able to learn literally everything
• ReplyThatBasilisk Dodrio can learn fly. No wings. I wonder how it does it…
• Reply