To my last posts I have received some criticism. Even from @abelreal who I consider(ed or not Idk) to be my friend. He was through and through hypocritical by saying Frogking was going to far with memes but at the same time saying him doing offensive memes was going too far. Guess he didn\u2019t think about the fact that everyone has a different kind of morality line that should not be crossed. And guess he didn\u2019t think about the fact that instead of cherry picking for ourselves we could all be working together to fix this issue so that (ideally) no one has a problem. But now let\u2019s talk about something else where I a really fucked up and where I want to apologize. The post I reposted from Frogking did include things like \u201cfuck 12,rebel against the government,shoot your local Nazi\u201d which are messages I do not support but still reposted. That\u2019s a mistake on my behalf. Still I approve of the general message the post has. Nazis are bad,the government is evil and cops are corrupt (depending on where you live). It also included the narrative of this app being full of bigotry which is entirely true. And pro lgbt+ rights things which are GOOD and not talked about enough. Now this caption is already way too long so I\u2019ll do a follow up on other experiences I\u2019ve had tommorow

Opening your eyes about this app part.2
Opening your eyes about this app part.2
  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal Also another thing, I'm not gonna throw away our friendship for a silly argument, as it's immature (unless the argument is really heated)

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal But what I think we need to address is that furries are people too since A LOT of people here hate them just because they are a furry, though I blame myself sometimes cause I use to be in the anti-furry stuff (no I am not a furry, I'm just tired of the immaturity)

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal But we def don't need to talk about lgbtq rights, as this community as a whole doesn't really care

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal But with the lgbtq rights and stuff, yes, I know they are good. I just don't like what the lgbtq is doing (and that's not being gay as I have gay friends both irl and on the internet)

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal I meant only on my behalf with the memes, not the whole community, that is my bad for not mentioning it, and I just assumed people here knew there was a line that shouldn't be crossed

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal I don't go too far with the offensive memes no. Infact on 9/11 when I did post a meme related to the date, I made sure to say that I do not wish to offend anybody with the joke, which even toxic said it wasn't that bad

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