Even though my shower water is D-I-S-G-U-STING, I still drink it for some reason! I will literally, when I am in the bath, Have a little cap to something, fill a cup with cold bath water, and drink it like a shot or just straight up do this! Why is this me??!! LMAOOO
Ducky_01 i do that
• Replycr4Ked_bro Me
• Replysupersloth9000 Yesssss
• Replylorismemes100 very very very realateble
• ReplyPixelGirl So relatable
• Replydevinspyguy12 Mee
• ReplyKingtart also me
• Replymeme_girl1245678 Bro you are my life saver this is me
• Replydadhiloba1 🥵
• ReplyYA_BOI_BENOS Bro same
• Replycreepy_memer too
• Replyfoxy777_fnaf Umm I do this soooo much
• ReplyMemer_Sk8Ter_Gorl Even though my shower water is D-I-S-G-U-STING, I still drink it for some reason! I will literally, when I am in the bath, Have a little cap to something, fill a cup with cold bath water, and drink it like a shot or just straight up do this! Why is this me??!! LMAOOO
• ReplyAsian_Coopy_94 I no. I think my bathroom tap tastes batter then my kitchen water
• ReplySpooky_Agent_2 Glass of water? Nah. Coca Cola? Nah. Water specifically made to clean you? Heck yeah!
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