nameless_cool_kid Imagine saying mom can i have elbow for Christmas
trash_memes_dealer Elbow
partyfavor Child “safe” in the corner 😭😳😂
chicken_tendie_boi “We are good friend”, and “abdce”
someone... Sus
IxxloveRonW Excuse me there is something in the top corner
imaperson.. ... it gon kill i poor child
joe_Biden_BBB #Biden2020
shibolee At the bottom left it says ABDCE😂
space_man Bruh its like someone tried to remake elmo but they were on crack
jbdfxvrguz Yooo
ultron1247 Abdc suck a d for spelling it wrong on my little thing
sanesss_1234 It’s a new elbow doll!
jackoftrades If 2020 was a toy
LORD_Savage W E A R E G O O D F R I E N D
nameless_cool_kid Imagine saying mom can i have elbow for Christmas
• Replytrash_memes_dealer Elbow
• Replypartyfavor Child “safe” in the corner 😭😳😂
• Replychicken_tendie_boi “We are good friend”, and “abdce”
• Replysomeone... Sus
• ReplyIxxloveRonW Excuse me there is something in the top corner
imaperson.. ... it gon kill i poor child
• Replyjoe_Biden_BBB #Biden2020
• Replyshibolee At the bottom left it says ABDCE😂
• Replyspace_man Bruh its like someone tried to remake elmo but they were on crack
• Replyjbdfxvrguz Yooo
• Replyultron1247 Abdc suck a d for spelling it wrong on my little thing
• Replysanesss_1234 It’s a new elbow doll!
• Replyjackoftrades If 2020 was a toy
• ReplyLORD_Savage W E A R E G O O D F R I E N D
• Reply