#memes #shitpost #notfunny \u200b #Mebeingstupidagain #nooneasked #wtf #lol #animememes #anime \u200b #donttakethisseriously #noonecares #dontask \u200b #ihopethisisrelatable
praying_tanaka Naruto and sasuke
MemesForLife_OwO This happened to me once. While eating breakfast my friend almost passed out
hanona336 True
Cow_meat memeboi67866 omg yas
Yuri.Ayato Hikaru and kaoru
memeboi67866 We watch porn all fucking night
im_johnny True😂😂💀💀
DoIt4DaMeme.com my friends too cautious to 😒
praying_tanaka Naruto and sasuke
• ReplyMemesForLife_OwO This happened to me once. While eating breakfast my friend almost passed out
• Replyhanona336 True
• ReplyCow_meat memeboi67866 omg yas
• ReplyYuri.Ayato Hikaru and kaoru
• Replymemeboi67866 We watch porn all fucking night
• Replyim_johnny True😂😂💀💀
• ReplyDoIt4DaMeme.com my friends too cautious to 😒
• Reply