I hate periods
JarateMann skill issue
y0ur_l0cal_Gh0st Same it hurts so bad and it gives so much dysforia
bruh_is_taken Ye.
NoOneInParticular Same
that_memer_is_me2 How are you a guy if you have periods
Atomic_Guy Can you have question marks or explanation points?
LetUsEatDirt I do too, Alex
lVlr_Fancy Jk
lVlr_Fancy L
JarateMann skill issue
• Replyy0ur_l0cal_Gh0st Same it hurts so bad and it gives so much dysforia
• Replybruh_is_taken Ye.
• ReplyNoOneInParticular Same
• Replythat_memer_is_me2 How are you a guy if you have periods
• ReplyAtomic_Guy Can you have question marks or explanation points?
• ReplyLetUsEatDirt I do too, Alex
• ReplylVlr_Fancy Jk
• ReplylVlr_Fancy L
• Reply