AtomicSamurai Bitch science says it does.
Star_Quacknum Cops wont arrest me for this drive-by
tayulay If furries refer as something other than human they have no human rights
S_natched It’s be the karens
landryludwig Ya ya big deal we’re different than you think some people do “it” in the suit most don’t so we’re not that bad
weird_girl Why do people hate Furrys
Emokitten1015 Smoking no... But one glass of wine with low alcohol a week is just fine
aNiMeAnDrObLox No furrys allowed in my no no square
i_like_pzza For shame Karen for shame
Thic_BoiBrady no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
aidanmemes I don’t know.
saber_tigerBOI I don’t know what’s so bad about being a furry can someone explain why?
chipschips12345 😑
acid_the_skulldog How dare you
AtomicSamurai Bitch science says it does.
• ReplyStar_Quacknum Cops wont arrest me for this drive-by
• Replytayulay If furries refer as something other than human they have no human rights
• ReplyS_natched It’s be the karens
• Replylandryludwig Ya ya big deal we’re different than you think some people do “it” in the suit most don’t so we’re not that bad
• Replyarsenalmanufacturer
• Replyweird_girl Why do people hate Furrys
• ReplyEmokitten1015 Smoking no... But one glass of wine with low alcohol a week is just fine
• ReplyaNiMeAnDrObLox No furrys allowed in my no no square
• Replyi_like_pzza For shame Karen for shame
• ReplyThic_BoiBrady no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
• Replyaidanmemes I don’t know.
• Replysaber_tigerBOI I don’t know what’s so bad about being a furry can someone explain why?
• Replychipschips12345 😑
• Replyacid_the_skulldog How dare you
• Reply