• TheCutestSnowFlake avatar

    TheCutestSnowFlake I agree with the midget 75.

  • TheMidget75 avatar

    TheMidget75 But hey. This is a free country - if you want to be unhealthy, you go right ahead. It’s not my place to dictate how you eat.

  • TheMidget75 avatar

    TheMidget75 However, there are surgeries and procedures to fix those. And yes, I know that there are people who are born with different body shapes and different metabolism levels. That just means that you have to work a bit harder to get rid of any unhealthy flab.

  • TheMidget75 avatar

    TheMidget75 Having fat on your body isn’t unhealthy. It’s being overly fat that’s unhealthy. As was mentioned, the human body isn’t designed to function optimally while overly fat. Granted, there are a few medical and gastro-intestinal disorders that make it nearly impossible to lose weight.

  • Spooky_Sussy_Mars avatar

    Spooky_Sussy_Mars Sometimes not

  • ThatMemerNamedBeck avatar

    ThatMemerNamedBeck Nah. For some people that’s just the way some people’s bodies are

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